Bolsa de Investigação - Prebiotics Gels (Licenciado)
Prebiotic gels attached to mineral surfaces have been hypothesized as the birth place of cells, by providing a chemically rich, organized and sheltered environment that ultimately led to the first living organisms. The study of chemical reactions in these environments may therefore provide clues on how life started. Ribose is known to react with borates to form several complexes. The stability of these complexes is known to be affected in solution by the presence of alkaline and alkaline-earth metal ions, probably by competition with the borates. Indeed, several alkaline and alkaline-earth metal complexes with ribose are known and have been fully characterized by several analytical techniques. In prebiotic silicate gels, the phosphorylation of ribose has been observed by 31P NMR, but the effect of G1 and G2 metal ions has yet to be studied. NMR is a powerful tool to study these systems as it allows looking at several nuclei and therefore provide a very complete picture of these systems. We propose here a multinuclear NMR study (1H, 13C, 31P, 29Si and 23Na) of the phosphorylation reaction of ribose in the presence of several G1 and G2 metal ions.
Área Científica: Engenharia Química/Biológica e Química
Local: Lisboa - See map
Habilitações: Licenciatura
Experiência: dá-se preferência a candidatos com conhecimentos e experiência na área da Química de geles. Dá-se ainda preferência a candidatos que queiram prosseguir os seus estudos para obtenção de mestrado ou doutoramento.
Início: Julho de 2017
Duração: 6 meses (renováveis)
Montante: 745€
Abertura Concurso: 6 de Junho de 2017
Montante: 745€
Abertura Concurso: 6 de Junho de 2017
Deadline: 22 de Junho de 2017
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