U. do Minho - Research Assistant (Alzheimer’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis)

Contrato de Trabalho - Research Assistant (Alzheimer’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis)

The project focus on a translational approach to understand diseases of the central nervous system, addressing animal models of disease and validation of potential biomarkers in samples obtained from human cohorts. As such, it intends to find molecular markers for diagnosis and prognosis of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

Área Científica: Ciências da Saúde, Saúde Pública, Medicina ou relacionada

Habilitações: PhD

Experiência: 3 years of postdoctoral experience in research and development, and authorship of 6 original articles in ISI indexed journals, with at least 3 of them as first or last author and a cumulative impact of 35, or instead, be the author of two patents; This position is for a research assistant with expertise in biochemical studies, data analyses and data management; The tasks to be develop require knowledge and professional experience in the following areas: biochemistry, statistics and data management; In addition, the candidate should have previous experience in the fields relevant to the task, as well as multidisciplinary work, specifically previous experience proven by participation in research and development projects, both in scientific and industrial components, publication of scientific papers and registration of industrial property, translation of technology, as well as in Master and PhD supervision/co-supervision.

Início: -

Duração: contrato a termo certo (12 meses, renováveis)

Montante: 3 191.82€

Abertura Concurso: 9 de Junho de 2017

Deadline: 26 de Junho de 2017

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