Bolsa de Investigação - Disfunção da Bexiga (Mestre)
In this project, we aim to clarify the molecular mechanism of NDO emergence to improve treatment. We will focus on understanding the formation of the involuntary spinal micturition reflex and the mechanisms regulating abnormal axonal sprouting of bladder afferents, as well as improving current therapies using neurotoxins. For this purpose, we will use animal models of SC and combine the use of neurotracer injection, cell culture and delivery of neurotoxins to the bladders and/or nervous system.
In this project, we aim to clarify the molecular mechanism of NDO emergence to improve treatment. We will focus on understanding the formation of the involuntary spinal micturition reflex and the mechanisms regulating abnormal axonal sprouting of bladder afferents, as well as improving current therapies using neurotoxins. For this purpose, we will use animal models of SC and combine the use of neurotracer injection, cell culture and delivery of neurotoxins to the bladders and/or nervous system.
Área Científica: Bioquímica, Biologia, Bioengenharia ou relacionada
Local: Porto - See map
Habilitações: Mestrado
Experiência: classificação final superior a 15 valores, Experiência em experimentação animal, nomeadamente em avaliação de atividade vesical e efeitos da administração de neurotoxinas, e trabalho laboratorial, incluindo técnicas fixação e processamento de amostras biológicas, imunohistoquímica e culturas celulares, comprovada documentalmente,disponibilidade imediata.
Início: Abril de 2017
Duração: 6 meses (renováveis até um máximo de 36 meses)
Montante: 980€
Abertura Concurso: 16 de Março de 2017
Deadline: CLOSED
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