quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2017

CLOSED - Contrato de Trabalho - Cryo Electron Microscopist

Contrato de Trabalho - Cryo Electron Microscopist

INL is seeking an electron microscopist to join the Nanocharacterisation Facility to work primarily on thecharacterisation of soft-matter samples using Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy. The position and salary offered will be commensurate with the experience of the successful candidate. The successful applicant will work together with INL researchers and external research partners. The main responsibilities of this position are 1) provide the daily maintenance of a JEOL 2100 instrument with cryocapabilities and a FEI Quanta ESEM, 2) train new users in the preparation of samples, as well as use of the aforementioned instruments and support tools and 3) develop the characterization of soft-matter/biological samples.

Área Científica: Ciência ou Engenharia 

Habilitações: PhD

Experiência: imaging of soft-matter/biological samples, including low-dose imaging, as well as 3D data acquisition and reconstruction; ryo-preparation of biological samples and hands-on knowledge of supporting tools including cryo-ultramicrotome, vitrobot, critical point dryer etc., EM, STEM and SEM imaging techniques. These include, phase contrast TEM, diffraction contrast TEM, high angular annular dark field (HAADF) STEM and bright-field (BF) STEM, secondary electrons (SE) SEM, low vacuum plus ESEM mode and backscattered electrons (BSE) SEM, electron diffraction techniques, namely selected area diffraction and nanobeam diffraction, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), image processing and standard software for electron microscopy. 

Início: -

Duração: contrato 4 anos

Deadline: CLOSED

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