segunda-feira, 8 de maio de 2017

CLOSED - Bolsa de Investigação - Fungal Resistance (Licenciatura)

Bolsa de Investigação - Fungal Resistance (Licenciatura)

Extract, isolate, analyse and reconstitute sphingolipids from yeast plasma membrane into different types of membrane model systems, and to quantitatively characterize them through several advanced biophysical techniques. O2. 

Área Científica: Bioquímica

Habilitações: Licenciatura

Experiência: experience with yeast sphingolipid biosynthetic mutant strains; sphingolipid extraction and analysis; preparation and characterization of membrane model systems; steady state and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy; spot assays with antifungal agents. Experience or knowledge of other biochemical and biophysical methods (such as fluorescence microscopy; phospholipid quantification) relevant for the work plan will also be valued. 

Início: Junho de 2017

Duração: 3 meses 

Montante: 745€

Abertura Concurso: 19 de Maio de 2017

Deadline: CLOSED

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