quarta-feira, 31 de maio de 2017

2 Bolsas de Investigação - Obesity and Obesity-related Co-morbidities (Mestre)

2 Bolsas de Investigação - Obesity and Obesity-related Co-morbidities (Mestre)

Evaluate the effects on obesity and obesity-related co-morbidities (fatty liver disease, diabetes, reduction of appetite, hyperlipidaemia). The foreseen work will include: culturing of cyanobacteria, chemical fractionation and isolation of compounds; bioactivity screening for beneficial activities towards obesity and obesity-related co-morbidities using cell-based assays and zebrafish-based assays; biochemical and molecular analyses (lipids, mRNA or proteins). 

Área Científica: Biologia, Bioquímica Biomedicina, Farmacologia  ou relacionada

Habilitações: Mestrado

Experiência: be available to proceed for a PhD candidature during the course of the project, and should have an average >14.5 on a scale from 1 - 20 (BSc and MSc; different scales from international candidates will be adapted), have experience in either natural products chemistry or in the bioactivity screening and molecular characterization.

Início: Julho de 2017

Duração: 6 meses (renováveis até Abril de 2020)

Montante: 980€

Abertura Concurso: 14 de Junho de 2017

Deadline: 28 de Junho de 2017

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