quarta-feira, 12 de abril de 2017

CLOSED - Bolsa de Investigação - Acto-myosin contractility (Mestre)

Bolsa de Investigação - Acto-myosin contractility (Mestre)

Our laboratory studies the mechanisms of acto-myosin contractility, with special focus on the context of cytokinesis, the process that completes cell division by partitioning the contents of the mother cell to the two daughter cells. We use C. elegans as experimental model and our methodological approaches include high-resolution fluorescence microscopy, imaging analysis, genetics, molecular biology, genome editing (by CRISPR/Cas9 for generation of mutant or labelled worm strains), and biochemistry.

Área Científica: Biologia Celular, Bioquímica, Biofísica ou relacionada 

Habilitações: Mestrado

Experiência: score of Bachelor degree/licenciatura no lower than 15 and score of Master’s thesis no lower than 17) and experience with cellular biology, molecular biology, biochemistry will be valued.

Início: Maio/Junho de 2017

Duração: 12 meses (renováveis anualmente até 2020)

Montante: 980€

Abertura Concurso: -

Deadline: CLOSED

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