Bolsa de Investigação - Bladder Cancer (Licenciado)
The main goal of the study is to evaluate the impact of bladder cancer and/or exercise training on heart proteome plasticity in order to understand the molecular pillars subjacent to such effects. For this, the researcher will analyze cardiac muscle from the BBN model of bladder cancer that was developed at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. The analyses to be performed include iTRAQ-based LC-MS/MS and western blot of heart samples and data analysis with Cytoscape and SignalP/SecretomeP.
Área Científica: Bioquímica
Local: Aveiro - See map
Habilitações: Licenciatura
Experiência: solid background and experience in biochemistry, cell biology and physiology (emphasis on ELISA, enzymatic assays and immunoblot techniques). The candidate should also have experience in: ‘omics’ technologies (particularly mass spectrometry-based proteomics) and bioinformatics’ analysis of proteomic data; and in cellular signaling.
Início: Maio de 2017
Duração: 3 meses
Montante: 745€
Abertura Concurso: 5 de Abril de 2017
Deadline: CLOSED
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