sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2017

CLOSED - Investigador Principal - Biotecnologia

Investigador Principal - Biotecnologia

International public call is opened for recruitment in an employment contract for an indefinite period under the Portuguese Labour Code, for 1 (one) position as Principal Researcher in the scientific area of Biotechnology (first remunerative position). 

Área Científica: Biotecnologia

Habilitações: PhD

Experiência: auxiliary researcher of the same or another institution, the scientific contest area or even those who, although in a different area, have a relevant scientific curriculum in these areas, and that in any case, have a minimum of three years of effective service in that category or have been approved in a public examination for habilitation or “agregação”.

Início: -

Duração: contrato

Montante: -

Deadline: CLOSED

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